Regardless of the type of professional license you hold, you need to do everything you can to keep that license safe. If there are complaints made against you, there is a chance that it could put your license in jeopardy. Some of the common types of professions that require licenses include accountants, doctors, nurses, realtors, cosmetologists, engineers, etc.
Without a license, you would not be able to practice in your field. Consider all of the work and time you had spent getting that license and building your reputation. You don’t want to put it in jeopardy.
A Better Outcome
Disciplinary actions taken against professionals that could cause issues with a license happens more often than you might realize. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that your license will be removed. Often, there are ways that you can take responsibility for actions, or fight against false accusations, so you don’t lose your license. If you have already lost your license, an attorney might be able to help reinstate the license or if you are on probation, reduce the period.
Sometimes, they can help to prevent disciplinary action in one state affecting your license in another state where you work. Of course, this doesn’t work with all types of licenses.
Regardless, you don’t want to try to defend your professional license on your own. This area of the law is complex, and it’s hard to understand everything that you need to do to keep your license safe. Working with an attorney is always the best course of action. Just make sure to find legal help on time.
Don’t Wait to Get Legal Help
If you have a disciplinary proceeding or you have complaints against you, it’s important that you act quickly and get in touch with an attorney. The sooner you get legal help the better, as your attorney can start to build a defense. Often, they can take care of the issue before it gets out of hand.
Always make sure you have legal representation before talking with any investigators from the agency responsible for your licensing. Great attorneys understand how to respond to complaints and accusations.
Make sure you choose an attorney who has plenty of experience in this area of the law, particularly with the type of license you have. Ultimately, they can help to reduce the amount of stress you are feeling.
it’s important that you consult with a knowledgeable Illinois licensing attorney at Bell & Shaw Law, LLC to help address your concerns. Contact us today for top-quality individualized guidance on Illinois licensing laws.