If you are ready to purchase a home this time of year, it can feel especially festive. The holidays are a busy time, but the thought of beginning a new year in a new home drives many buyers to search for the perfect house this time of year. If you are in the market to purchase your next, or first, house, during the holiday season, be sure to remember these considerations.
Don’t Blow Your Budget
With all the holiday shopping and impulse buying, it is easy to forget your house budget while you are touring with your realtor. Make a commitment to stick within your budget so that you aren’t paying for your impulse purchase for years to come.
Don’t Fall for the Glitter
Homes can look especially beautiful during the holiday season, and it is easy to perhaps overlook certain details because the house you are touring has a beautiful tree or lovely twinkling lights. Stay focused when you are out and about. Admire the beautiful decorations, but continue with opening cabinets and looking at the water heater closet. These may be less beautiful spaces in the home, but after the lights are gone, you will want a water heater that works.
Drive-By During the Day
The days are much shorter and many home tours happen to take place once the sun has already set. Be sure you are taking time to drive by houses you are interested in during various times of day, including the morning and mid-day. You can see what type of light the house gets naturally as well as the general busyness of the area throughout the day.
Work with a Professional
When you are purchasing a home, it is wise to protect yourself by working with professionals who can guide you through the process. Choose your realtor wisely and connect with an experienced real estate law firm early on in the purchasing process. At Bell & Shah, we guide our clients and advise them throughout their home buying journey, including the inspection process and closing. Call us today to learn more about our services and how we can work with you.